
I'm not sure if anybody still reads this blog but if you do, you'll notice that a few changes have been made. In a bid to simplify and focus more on what I am interested in, I'll be writing more about craftsmanship, materials, people and their processes. In fact, much of it will be very similar to before, just presented in a slightly different way. It turned out that Futurustic wasn't a very good name. Almost everybody read and heard it incorrectly as Futuristic, causing a lot of confusion in emails, social media tags and general conversation. As anyone who knows me will testify, I'm really not very futuristic, so it seemed strange and I got tired of trying to explain a silly name.

I hope that Modern Craft Workshop is a clear and simple title that tells you something about the site's content. I'll be profiling some exceptionally skilled craftspeople, celebrating materials, techniques and good design. I aim to post once a week on a Thursday, because a little bit of routine (but not too much) is good for everyone. I hope you'll enjoy what you see.

New Magazine: Kindling

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I am on a brief holiday in Scotland at the moment - visiting family, but I wanted to let you know about a new magazine that I am intrigued about, which celebrates fatherhood. Through essays, interviews, editorials, art and photography, Kindling Quarterly aims to highlight creative individuals whose work and lives are inseparable from their role as a parent. This is a welcome discussion, as men who are active caregivers are no longer a novelty in today's society and thankfully, the magazine does not present them as such. Instead it provides a thoughtful dialogue about fatherhood that is frequently missing from our current cultural landscape. While the subjects of Kindling's stories may be fathers, each issue is also designed to appeal to anyone interested in art, creativity and community, as the magazine playfully assesses and celebrates the multitude of experiences that form contemporary fatherhood. The first issue is out now and I am looking forward to seeing many more.