I'm so used to writing about other people's work, that putting pictures of my own things alongside them seems weird. However, since I wrote a post about my clay samples, I feel I should show what I've done with them. I've been experimenting with a few bowl, plate and cup shapes, and it's been good to try out the different clays and see how they respond to glazes and firing. There have been some disasters and a couple of nice surprises, but I'm yet to settle on anything that I'm sure about. In the meantime, it's just fun to play around. I started learning to throw a little over five years ago now, which sounds like quite a long time but realistically I haven't spent nearly as much time at the wheel as I would like. Pottery classes and opportunities have been squeezed around work and looking after babies and toddlers, so my progress has been slow. Finally though, I have my own workshop set up and it feels like it's all beginning to come together. These are a few of the first things to come out of the kiln. Hopefully, I'll be making a lot more in the months to come.
p.s. To see more, follow my Instagram feed. It's pretty much just pots on there these days.